Hey, here's part 2 of that absurd list I made. A ton of the characters are a mix of obscure and familiar faces while I also threw in some random "(inserted username)" oc's and some forgotten ones are from [inserted original debut]. I had this made for quite a while now, so I'm just like "wth" and it made decide to post 2 parts on a random NG:R2 blog, i highly respect that.
Samurai Asshole, Samson Jones, Salad Fingers, Sanford, Sansfield, Sarthak the Unforgivable, Satan [Leo & Satan], Satina, Scack & Sophie [Skelti Castle], Scientist Girl [Big Band Science], Screwy, The Second Coming, Seekladoom, Sera [Fallen Angel], The Shepherd, Shooting Stars, Shotgun Man, Shrike Sanchez, Sigma [Week Σ], Skid & Pump, Skitzo the Bear, Skull Kid, Skye [Endless Monday], Slide the Funky Alien, Smash Girl, Smiling Friends, Snowball/Dust, Sofia [Pit People], Solar Girl, Solene (Thetageist), Sonja Valentine (Artist-lost), Splatter Punk (SKULLAZUL), Sportsman [Tankmen], Stan, Starlane, Starman [Star Trigger], Steven [Time Fcuk], Strawberry Clock, Sublo & Tangy Mustard, Su-Chan [Gunmetal Black], Suction Cup Man, Sundae & Sherbet, Sunnyside, Sunsona, Tak [Energy Seekers], Tankgirl (creamjuicer69), Tankman, Tarboy, Thing Thing, Timmy & Tacobot 3000, Tino (Zals), Toa Gali Anteverse (omithealien), Tone (GVoltage07), Tord, Toru [Ravage Fist], Tricky, Trilby Dogtooth, Trudy, Tsubasa Gals, Turtle [Toss the Turtle], Ugly Mumba, Vagamica, Vandheer Lorde, Venus & Eve, Vi the Imp, Vinyl Girl, Victor Frames (deadspread83), Vile [Reincarnation], Violette [Bleek], Vito/Wilhelm [The Reward], Vizzy, Vol. 45 Gunchest, Vurbank, Weebl, Weltling, Wheelie Yellow, Whoppy the Borga, Will (Chosm), William Rockabilly, Witchly Britches, XO (GVoltage07), Xionic, Yaiman, York (Kidhfigaro), Yosatsu, Zack & Chris [Hellbenders], Zan Pastiamona, Zanta Claws, Zeba, Zeebarf, Zhima, Zibidi, Zone-Tan, Zonodo, Zorox Sebatsu
Guest Characters (DLC)
Ami [Gwain Saga], Buster 09 [Neo Junk City], Creature [Offspring Fling], Dart Monkey, Double King, Dust [Dust: An Elysian Tail], Evan & the Guest [The Prince of Landis], Filia, Friend Pedro, Gato Roboto, Geo [Gwain Saga], Genokids, Growth [Lorera], Hector Hunt [Bacon Project], Hollow Knight, Homestar Runner, Lambert, Lil’ Breezy, Liza [Battle Bruise], Priscila Salamander, Raven Grey [Bacon Project], Shina [Ashes of Babel], VVVVVV, Zero [Katana Zero]
I kinda wanna focus on the main roster, granted I'm not intentionally making it huge. It's more of a idea to who YOU wanna add, k. I have a select few myself and it kinda saves the trouble of researching NG's massive library of characters, hahaha.
???? (TacticalFroge), 07 (Shemmet), 008 [Stardust Buster], A-Bot, Abobo, Adeline [Out o' the Inkwell], Aeon [Final Fantasy Sonic X], Aether, Aka Yaku [Minimum Mage Effort], Alfred Alfer, Alice (DeadSM), Alien Hominid, Alloy, Amara, Anemone (ChrisOssu), Angry Faic, Apple [Bonkers], Applybug, Arcane Maiden (MidNightMaren), Ariel Margery, Arzec (Gummi2), Ashbelt, Auron [Paladin], Avadon Miller, Awesome Snake, Azuri [Cosmic Wonders], B.B. Topper, Baozi, Bali Vilakazi, Ballfrog, BBQBeefBurgerMan, Beamsy, Beetle Ninja (ProsciuttoMan), Beltz, Ber (GummySandworm), Big Hoss, Binej Yeah, Bird & Nid, Bird Tapper, Bitey, Blamm Trooper (foamymuffin), Blockhead, Blud & Becky Bang, Bob Velseb, Bollo, Bonbon & Chuchu, Bone [Splatterbrain], Booby Knight, The Boogley, Boom Buster, Bonni [myb], Bottlehead, Bowmaster (lostvector), Boxbot, Boyfriend, Brian [Red Diamond Dragon Club], Bucket, Buckshot, Bull & Booger, Burning Ranger Silikon, Burnt Face Man, Burrito Bison, Buttchamber [NGR Piconjo], Caesie Pumpkin, Calibri Valentine, Canabalt, Captain Tardigrade, C.A.R.T (singpiano), Cashy the Hamster, Cassandra, Cassette Girl, Castle Cat, Castle Crasher, Cat Face, Cat Guard, CB, Cereus Peashy, Champa (ZaneLittle), Chaos Fighters [Chaos Faction], Charlie the Unicorn, Charlotte Zapa [Boxcar City Rush], Cherno, Chester Bodead, Chibi Knight, Chichu, Chocolateman, Chomperz, The Chosen One, Certa Vee [Stardust Buster], Chris, Chutney Glaze, Cladicus, Coca Welsh, Comet [Sunset Defenders], Convict, Cootie Girl, Cordelia, Corona-Chan, Cuboy, Cuckfucker, Cy/El [Spin Axle], Cybermere [LOVEWEB], Cyl, Cynthia [Contact Rush], Dad/Son [Chainsaw the Children/Dad n’ Me], Dad's Home, Damian (53xy83457) Darnell, Dashy Cat, Deacon West (MillennialStylez), Dedmos, Deep Sea Students, Denver [Luckyboy], Deputy Geronimo, Dirge, DJ Grey, Doki & Nabi, Domra [Embryo Go Go], Dou, Dr Bee’s, Dr Good, Dr Schmuck, Dr Shroud, Droopy, Duncan/Jones, Edd, Elain the Bounty Hunter, Ellie Rose, Emi, Emily Widget, ENA, Erik the Juiceman, Etna [Skate-Fire-100], Eve [Perdition], Falina Luni, Fancy Pants, The Fashion Police, Fat Chicken (The Behemoth), Faye, FBI Agent, Fernando, Flamegirl, Flex Calibur, Foamy the Squirrel, Gameen, Gamzee Makara, Gappy, Gasoline Suunada, Gentles the Rapping Dog, Gigantor, Gildedguy, Gimmiko, Girlfriend, Glowing Guardian, Gogo Mastumoto, Goloth, Gooseman, Gor3girl, Greed Entity, The Guardian, Gwimbly, Hachimitsu, Hagniss the Barbarian, Hank J. Wimbleton, Hariasa the Valkyrie (PerKGrok), Hartrup & Oatly, Hatty Hattington, Helveti, Henderson, Henry Stickmin, Herra, Herzha, Hex (Solace), Hoff [QoH], Hogstrong, Hyla, Hyperboy, Hypergon, Il-Ho, Imposter, Ink Pants, Interactive Buddy, Isaac, Ivory (Zals), Jade Raven, Jason, Jenn, Jerkoff Man, Jerry (HotDiggedyDemon), Jerry Jackson, Jitters, Joe Flamingo, Joe Zombie, John’s Arm, Johnny Rocketfingers, Jon [Crimson Carnival], Jordette, Jose Hijo De Cabello, Kai & Indigo, Kaido (RJSilvers), Kantl, Karrion Killer, KAWAII-CHAN, Kawaku (JustinSketchesYT), Kenstar, Kerrigan, Keroshi, Kevin the Japanese Devil, Kilgar, Kimiko [CHOKEPOINT], King Pete, Kirbopher, Kit & Rav [Subterranean Losers], Klayman, Kommander Dude, Krea, Larry Mittenhands, Lezah Inklaine, Libidri Venenom, Lilium, Liv, The Len-Stars [Loose Ends], Level 18, Level 49, Level 58, Lovejoy [Aqseid], Luckyboy, M-Bot, Machinot, Maeko Mizuno [Gunmetal Black], Maestro Von Paragon, Magnified Hank, Magical Trevor, The Magnificent Mindables, Maid Girl (Hibachi), Mall Wizard, Manon [LOVEWEB], Manzanilla (SomeKido), Maple, Marcus Peblo, Margo/Ula, Marisha [Mad Sisters Week Off], Mastermind, Matt [EBF], Maya Jaguatales, Meat Boy/Bandage Girl, Melandy, Melvin (meatcanyon), Meruccubus, Metallix, Miami Shark, Mickey the Dick, Mighty Moth, Minerva (Cutsu-Art), Miranda [Nuns A Blazing], Mischief, Miss Dynamite, Moika, MONO, Mr Coo, Mr Danger, Mr Happy Face, Mr Spaceman, Nano (P-PAMda), Natalie [EBF], Nazo, Necromancer, Necromicide, Necro-Nancy, Nene, Neolen X, Neon, NG-Tank, Niji & Tako, Nina Aquila, Ninjiro & Jennifer, Nips [Rat Game], No-Man, Nono, Nori, NOX, Nuzzner Fubs, Octillery, Okuri (Riveet099), Olive, Omelo, Orange Trickster, Orchid [Neon Rhythm], Orla, Orphan [Gun Orphan], Oscar [Energy Seekers], Otachan, Otis, P2, P-Bot, Peacetank, Pebbles, Pengu, Penni Painkiller, Peter the Ant, Phil Eggtree, Pickleman (Mockery), Pico, Piconjo, Pigeon [Ivnyrose], Pike, Pimento, Pirate Queen, Pivot, Pocky (AKA-38CAUTION), Pod-Chan, Porb, Portaboy, Proto (QoteDoukutsu), Puff [Terrascape], Puppy [Retarded Animal Babies], Queek, Rabbit [360 Degrees], Ragemellon, Ranger Heatstepper, Ranhul Titan, Raptor Jesus, Ray (mattsnothere), Reaction Faic, Rebutia, Recoil, Redd, Red Baron, Redcon, Regina Vulcun (Roskiart), Rhede Rouge, Ria (Kinoki), Ritz, Rockette, Roza, RPG Team X-Treme, Ruria, Ryu [Gunmetal Black], Ryujimi (OnyxGalaria).